Wednesday Nov 13, 2024
Do you consider seeing crows around you as a sign of impending doom? We won’t blame you if you
do, however, the spiritual meaning of seeing crows goes much deeper than that!
Whenever a creature, especially a bird keeps appearing in your life repeatedly, it’s a divine sign that’s
trying to call your attention to something in your life. There’s always a hidden message from the
spiritual realm in such sightings. And in the case of crows and ravens, we often assume it’s a bad one.
So, what is the spiritual meaning of seeing crows? Are crows good or bad omens? We’ll get all the
answers as we go along. People in general associate crows with bad luck due to their portrayal as
sinister dark creatures in the popular media. For a long time crows have been linked with witches,
wizards, sorcery, spells, and dark magic. Who can forget how Edgar Allen Poe and Alfred Hitchcock
immortalized this bird of prey in their horror tales? Now, whenever we think of crows, we think about
death and doom. But, it was not always the case.